Respect for Human Rights is fundamental to the sustainability of the MJF Group of Companies and the communities in which we operate. In our Company and across our Group, we are committed to ensuring that people are treated with dignity and respect. We are committed to identify, prevent, and mitigate adverse human rights impacts resulting from or caused by our business activities before or if they occur through human rights due diligence and mitigation processes. This Policy is guided by international human rights principles encompassed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the United Nations Global Compact, the United Nations Guiding Principles and local laws on Business and Worker Rights.
Supply Chain
We are committed to working with and encouraging our suppliers, distributors and customers to uphold the principles in this Policy and to adopt similar policies within their businesses.
We engage with various suppliers in ensuring that their working conditions are safe, workers are treated with respect and dignity, and that operations are carried out in an environmentally responsible manner. Our Supplier Evaluations are aligned with the expectations and commitments of this Policy.
Community and Stakeholder Engagement
We understand the impact we have on the communities in which we operate. We are committed to engaging with stakeholders in those communities to ensure that we are listening to, learning from and taking into account their views as we conduct our business. Where appropriate, we are committed to engaging in dialogues with stakeholders on human rights issues related to our business. We believe that local issues are most appropriately addressed at the local level. We are also committed to creating economic opportunity and fostering goodwill in the communities in which we operate through locally relevant initiatives carried out through the MJF Charitable Foundation and the Dilmah Conservation which work towards the empowerment of the less privileged and minorities.
Valuing Diversity
We value the diversity of the people with whom we work and the contributions they make. We have a long-standing commitment to equal opportunity and intolerance of discrimination and harassment. We are dedicated to maintaining workplaces that are free from discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, sex, color, national or social origin, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, political opinion or any other status protected by applicable law. The basis for recruitment, hiring, placement, training, compensation and advancement at the Company is quali¬fications, performance, skills and experience based on quarterly appraisals carried out through Employee Performance Management System which is based on transparency, accountability and on performance.
Regardless of personal characteristics or status, the Company does not tolerate disrespectful or inappropriate behavior, unfair treatment or retaliation of any kind. Harassment is unacceptable in the workplace and in any work-related circumstance outside the workplace. These principles apply not only to Company employees but also to the business partners with whom we work.
Employee career development and training requirements, amongst others are identified through the annual performance management cycle carried out for all staff in employment.
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
We recognize the rights of employees and provide forums, support groups and policies to address their concerns and resolve issues and conflicts in a fair and transparent manner in addition to the various engagement methods adopted at business unit level. We have an open door policy, a robust grievance handling procedure, including the addressing of complaints on sexual harassment and direct email access to the Chairman on all matters affecting employees.
Healthy and Safety at the Workplace
We provide a safe and healthy workplace and comply with applicable health and safety measures. We are dedicated to maintaining a productive workplace by minimizing the risk of accidents, injury and exposure to health risks. We are committed to engaging with our employees to continually improve health and safety in our workplaces, including the identi¬fication of hazards and remediation of health and safety issues.
Workplace Security
We are committed to maintaining a workplace that is free from violence, harassment, intimidation and other unsafe or disruptive conditions due to internal and external threats. Security safeguards for employees are provided as needed and will be maintained with respect for employee privacy and dignity.
Forced Labor and Human Trafficking
No employee of the Company is made to work against his/her will, or is subject to corporal punishment or coercion of any type related to work. We prohibit the use of all forms of forced labor, including prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor, military labor, slave labor and any form of human traf¬ficking.
Child Labor
The Company labor policy is strictly formulated against hiring of Child Labor under any circumstance. Under Sri Lankan law, a ‘Child’ is defined as a person who is under the age of fourteen years while “Young Worker” denotes a person who has attained the age of fourteen years, but is under the age of eighteen years. The Company prohibits the hiring of individuals that are under 16 years. Young workers are not employed in hazardous work.
Work Hours, Wages and Benefits
Further, as per our policy, no employees of the Company should be coerced or subject to intimidation, nor are employees expected to surrender deposits or personal documents as an employment term. In the event that training of significant cost is provided to an employee, the employee is apprised of the expectation that they will be required to work for a duration that does not exceed the value of the training provided.
In line with legal and industry norms, adequate compensation through overtime or variable pay is provided for employees that work beyond normal working hours in addition to being provided with meals and transport where appropriate.
Through various employee benefit schemes eligible employees are provided Housing Loans and Welfare Loans at minimal rates of interest and monthly repayments thereof are deducted from the salary with employees’ written consent thereto.
We adhere to all country regulations with regard to defined benefit plans for its employees. In Sri Lanka, employees are eligible for Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) contributions, and for Employees’ Trust Fund (ETF) contributions. Employees are also entitled to retirement gratuity, payable under the payment of gratuity act no. 12 of 1983 and an employee with more than 5 years of service will receive half a months’ last drawn salary for every year of service on retirement or termination of service. We compensate employees’ in line with the industry rates and local labor market. We operate in full compliance with applicable wage, work hours, overtime and benefits laws.
Guidance and Reporting for Employees
The Company creates workplaces in which open and honest communications among all employees are valued and respected and is committed to following all applicable labor and employment laws.
If you have questions about this policy or if you would like to report a potential violation of this policy you may contact our Compliance Officer on 22564784.
We make every effort to maintain the confidentiality of issues raised by you. Employees can also report suspected violations without consequence of retaliatory action. We are committed to investigating, addressing and responding to the concerns of employees and to taking appropriate corrective action in response to any violation and providing feedback in terms of the action taken.
MJF Charitable Foundation is a Company Limited by guarantee incorporated to carry forward the works undertaken by the said MJF Charitable Trust.
Dilmah Conservation is the conservation arm of the Company which concentrates on sustainability and nature conservation.
“We” and “ours” as referred herein shall include all companies of the MJF Group falling under the umbrella of MJF Holdings Limited, which include the main tea manufacturing and distribution arm “Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC”.
The Company reserves the right to amend this policy at any time.
Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC,
111 Negombo Road,
Sri Lanka.
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Discover new dimensions of tea with our favourite herb in mixology and gastronomy, learn about its health benefits, how your cuppa helps make the world a better place, and stay updated on our exciting tea inspired challenges - when you sign up here:
Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC,
111 Negombo Road,
Sri Lanka.
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