About Ingredient
The part of the hibiscus plant that protects and supports the flower is called the calyx. The dried calyces are used to make hibiscus tea.
Medicinal Claims / Health Benefits
Hibiscus benefits include relief from high blood pressure and high cholesterol, as well as digestive system, immune system, and inflammatory problems. It helps to cure liver disease.According to recent reports, the presence of anthocyanins in hibiscus account for anti-carcinogenic properties. It can also speed up the metabolism and help in healthy, gradual weight loss. It is rich in vitamin C, minerals, and various antioxidants, while also helps in controlling anxiety.
Possible Side Effects / Allergies etc.
Although health benefits of hibiscus are more, they can have side effects. Hibiscus tea should not be consumed by pregnant or breastfeeding women.It should not be taken by the women who are under medication for fertility treatments and birth control pills. It is not recommended for those who are suffering from low blood pressure.In some people, hibiscus tea can cause drowsiness.